- When left in an unstructured environment, students go berserk or do not know how to respond
- Students do not have enough concrete musical experiences to draw upon when making musical choices (Can't just tell kids: "Go and create!" - Create WHAT? And how?)
- Creativity and problem solving is not part of the cultural context.
Now, how do I apply my own problem-solving skills to try and achieve the goal?
Solutions and words to remember (Contemplation):
- Give students more concrete musical experiences (sing more songs, play more musical games, etc.)
- Provide a strong structure to guide learning, produce flow, and provide predictability.
- Think of creativity in different forms, such as choices made in in musical games.
- Get instruments to use as tools/aids for creativity and play (have been ordered and are now on the way!!)
- Simplify activities and take small steps at a time.
- Remember that learning is a process. It takes TIME. In a couple of years, a school culture will develop.
And yes, that is the interesting thing about my situation; since the school is completely new, there are a lot of things that seem impossible to achieve at this point, but I have to keep reminding myself that after a structure and school-culture is in place, the only ones who really need to ease into it will be the newcomers, and they will have a much easier time as they will see the older children as examples. In the meantime, everyone's a newcomer. And that is ok; I just need to adjust my expectations!