Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Great Eats: 春夏秋冬 (Spring Summer Fall Winter Restaurant)

Yesterday night some of my relatives took me and my mom to 春夏秋冬 near the West Lake. They serve different kinds of foods there, but they mainly specialize in Hangzhou specialties - I got to try several of them, and I want to share it with other foodies out there :)

龙井茶 (Lóng Jǐng Chá - Hangzhou's famous "Dragon Well" Tea - Two thumbs up!)

小笼包 (Xiǎo Lóng Bāo - Juice Dumplings)

虾爆鱔鱼 (Xiā Bào Shàn Yú - Shrimp fried with Asian Swamp Eel - this was one of my favorites!)

鱼钩 (Yú Gō - Literally, "Fish Hook" - a locally caught fish with dried/pickled cabbage)

 瑶柱炒米粉 (Yáo Zhù Chǎo Mí Fěn - Scallops with Rice Noodles)

外婆沃豆腐 (Wài Puó Wò Dòu Fǔ - "Grandma's Tofu")

雪菜蘑菇 (Xǔe Cài Mó Gū - Pickled Cabbage with Mushrooms)

秋葵养生小炒 (Qiū Kuí Yǎng Shēng Xiǎo Chǎo - okra with a young bamboo shoots, carrots, and wood ear)

That says Pepsi ;) haha - (Pronounced: Bǎi Shì Kě Lè) 

酒酿圆子 (Jǐu Niáng Yúan Zi - Rice Wine With Sticky Rice Balls - I actually grew up eating this; my mom makes a good 酒酿!)

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