Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great Eats: 外婆家 (Wài Pó Jiā - Grandma's House)

Grandma's House is a popular chain restaurant in Hangzhou (there was a 1+ hour wait when I went to another one with friends!) - I kind of associate this with Applebee's or Chili's in the States, only this one has tasty Chinese food instead of burgers and other Western goodies. Take a look!

蒜蓉扇贝 (Suān Róng Shàn Bèi - Garlic-ed Scallops)

马蹄响铃 (Mǎ Tí Xiǎng Líng - "Horseshoe Rings," Water chestnuts wrapped in tofu skin - a sweet, snack-like goodie; one of my favorites to simply pop into my mouth!) 

葱包桧 (Cōng Bāo Guì - Cypress leek wrap)

鸡蛋挑石头 (Jī Dàn Tiāo Shí Tóu - Egg cooked over stone)

菜胆鱼面筋 (Cài Dǎn Yú Miàn Jīn - Fish balls with fried gluten; another tasty option!)

糖醋里脊 (Táng Cù Lǐ Jǐ - Sugar and Vinegar with Pork Loin) 

绿茶饼 (Lü` Chá Bǐng - Green Tea Cakes)

青豆泥 (Qīng Dòu Ní - Green Bean Soup)

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